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Amelia McIntosh

Bridges Global Community

Worship Leading and Event Planning

I was raised in a Christian home and I have always believed in God. I later developed a relationship with Him through a youth summer camp, which consisted of intimate and fun activities of learning scripture. During high school, I joined the worship team at my church and found a love for worshipping God and being in His presence. Worship and prayer became my way of communicating with God and learning how to truly surrender to Him.

I have discovered the love and grace of Jesus and I will forever worship Him with my mouth and life. As I continue to grow in my faith, I want to also grow in my worship, serving Christ by also serving others and living to bring Him glory. I want to share that love with those around me and disciple what it means to be true worshippers, in spirit and truth.

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

~ John 4:24