What is a Microchurch?
A microchurch is a small community of Jesus-followers who have joined together to pursue some facet of the Mission of God. It is the most basic expression of the Church. We exist to equip, encourage, and empower these small expressions of church that multiply throughout the city, bringing the life of Jesus into every niche of our city, especially among the lost and the vulnerable.
Our Ecclesial Minimum
By our ecclesial minimum, we simply mean to outline the bare essentials of “church.” We believe there are three essentials for a group of people to be considered a local church: where we see worship, mission, and community overlap, we see the church of Jesus.
Our Family of Microchurches
As the Zoe family of microchurches matures and multiplies, we will keep this page updated with all of our current microchurches.

* Choose the “Microchurch - Name” you wish to donate to from the dropdown menu (“Which fund would you like to give to?”)